Neurological Lyme: So You’ve Known Me Your Whole Life And Can’t Recall My Name? Also the Lyme-ALS & MS Connection


Lyme Brain. If you are a Lyme sufferer whether it be chronic, acute or mild, you probably know what this is. It usually involves minor memory lapses, trouble reading and focusing, compromised word recollection, and dyslexia. These symptoms can also be very severe, thankfully I am in the category of the former, and getting much better.

Since the Lyme Spirochete and secondary infections like Bartonella can literally effect anything and everything in your entire body, it makes sense that it can wreak havoc on your brain. I think this aspect of the illness is harder for people to understand; You just end up feeling dumb when you can’t spell words you have known for years, or struggle with simple math problems, and since those around you can’t “see” the disease effecting your mind, it may be hard for the friends, family, and coworkers of Lyme sufferers to understand what is going on with you. Especially if you have yet to be diagnosed.

SO many now diagnosed Lyme sufferers have been told by doctors when complaining about their various symptoms “it is all in your head”, well thank you doctor, in your ignorance you are not completely wrong. How many of you have had doctors suggest anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds before your diagnosis? It is sad.

Dr Martin Ross MD: “Cognitive dysfunction is a very common problem that often resolves once the Lyme germ and co-infections are under control. Cognitive impairments occur with memory and information processing.” “Cognitive symptoms of Lyme include: Confusion/difficulty thinking; Difficulty with concentration, reading, problem absorbing and new information; Word search /name block; Forgetfulness, poor short term memory, poor attention; Disorientation, getting lost, going to wrong places; Speech errors: wrong word, misspeaking; Mood swings, irritability, depression; Anxiety, panic attacks.”

So you are not crazy, you are not alone, and there is hope!

Here are some helpful links for general information and living with Lyme:

Herx Reaction Fundamentals


There are also links in some cases of ALS & MS in cases of those patients testing positive for Lyme. Here are some links for the ALS/MS Lyme connection:


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