It’s Not Over

I got asked an interesting question today… Do you think you are over the Lyme? Well I honestly don’t know. I have come SO far from where I was a year ago, and a year ago I was much better than six months before that. Of course few people who have Lyme are dealing with just Lyme, whether it be co-infections like Bartonella, heavy metals…..what have you. For me besides the Lyme it has been chemical toxicity, long term mold exposure, Leaky Gut, Systemic Candida, heavy metals, and MTHFR and one other genetic defect that prevents all this gunk from leaving my body…and the havoc all the above have caused along with way. 

The last couple weeks I have had a huge amount of physical and emotional stress and my body is just not recovering. There is deep fatigue that no amount of rest seems to alleviate. I know that there are multiple factors here because last Monday my doctor also tested me positive for some kind of new chemical exposure, and I was also having a massive histamine reaction that was causing a good deal of pain. And besides that I had reached the end of my RX for candida and it has been flaring right back up again. Sigh.

So with all this “stuff” I really have no idea what part any spirochetes Imageplay in all this. I am about 20 months into treatment and I know there is huge improvement, so I think the little guys are mostly dead. But they do cycle (every 7 months?) I believe, so it is a matter of being in treatment long enough to kill all the generations, and of course I don’t know when these cycles are happening but stress on the body can make a herxeimer reaction worse.

Anyway, at the end of the day the answer to the question is “I don’t know, we shall see”. Here is a link to an article by my LLMD on how to determine the end of treatment: (just “X” out of the pop up)

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